Custom fit bra

Find a Professional Bra Fitter

Our fitters can come to your home or office. We do bra clinics at facilities like Curves, hospital wellness centers, and gyms like Golds, American Family Fitness and YMCAs. Our certified fitters have been trained to get the fit right. Unlike in the department store where you are sized but not personally helped with selecting and fitting, we actually select the bra that is best for you and make sure it fits right.

We currently have certified fitters serving the following states:

Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, Northern California, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hamshire, and New York.

To Schedule a Fitting, click here.

If there is no fitter in your area, you can take measurements and answer some questions for us. Then we can mail you 5-6 bras to try on - you send back those that don't fit.

For detailed remote fitting bra measuring instructions, click here.

I would love to have a trained fitter in every state....if you know of someone who would love to have a fun, recession proof business, please email me for more information.  Read more here about becoming a fitter

Contact Gail for other upcoming events or for fitters on other teams in other parts of the country. If there is no fitter in your area, consider starting your own business. We will provide the training to get you started.